(NaturalNews) In a stunning medical breakthrough for humanity, a hemp cannabidiol (CBD) product from Medical Marijuana, Inc. has been approved by the government of Brazil as a treatment for cancer. The product, called Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO), is also approved by Brazil as a prescription medication for epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic pain.
This move puts Brazil far ahead of the United States in the realm of compassionate, safe, affordable medicine that can treat serious medical conditions such as cancer.
“We have the utmost respect for the Brazilian government that decided hemp CBD oil should be available to their people, for a variety of reasons,” said Stuart W. Titus, PhD and Chief Executive Officer of Medical Marijuana, Inc.
“Brazil is a shining example of how a national government has responded to humanitarian interests and has swiftly and diligently passed favorable legislation on behalf of the health and well-being of its people – children in particular.”
The corrupt U.S. government only seeks to protect the profits of Big Pharma and its opioid drugs
The U.S. federal government, in contrast, seeks solely to protect the profits of Big Pharma at all costs. Medical marijuana continues to be criminalized at the federal level as a tactic to protect the highly lucrative opioid prescription drug market that enriches the pharmaceutical corporations. Meanwhile, an epidemic of opioid drug deaths is sweeping across America and recently claimed the life of the popular musician and performer known as Prince.
“Today, any resident of Brazil who has a government-approved medical indication can have access to RSHO hemp oil products and may do so with both a doctor’s prescription and government-approved import documentation,” reads a press release announcing Medical Marijuana, Inc’s partnership with HempMeds Brasil.