The Mind-Body Connection of Climbing, Yoga and CBD
What do yogis and climbers have in common? A balance of muscular strength, tenacity, and a sound mind. Olivia Hsu, professional climber and world-renowned yoga instructor, explains how yoga and climbing are a symbiotic practice, supporting each other to achieve mind-body connection and peace, and how CBD can support athletic recovery.
Q: How did you first get into climbing?
A: It actually wasn’t until I was attending University in Australia that I decided to join an outdoor climbing club. I’ll never forget the first time I climbed. I was out climbing with all these super muscly guys. I quickly realized I was the only one that had made it to the top and it dawned on me that, in climbing, you can be really strong but if you can’t figure out a route to go, you’re not going to get very far. I just needed to trust my instincts and climb the wall!
Q: How did you first get into yoga?
A: 2 years into my climbing career, I injured my finger. That’s when I walked into my first Mysore Ashtanga class. I thought I’d take some time off and go back to climbing. But then I fell in love with the practice and started doing it every day. Yoga not only compliments climbing,it compliments life. All the things in your life, they’re all intertwined. Whether it’s work or an activity you’re into, if you’re not happy, that’s going to affect all facets of your life.
CBD products are becoming widely used in yoga classes and for a variety of sport and fitness related activities. The therapeutic benefits of CBD include pain relief from muscle soreness.
— Marcus Sanchez
Q: How would you describe the connection between yoga + climbing?
A: It’s interesting, on many levels, they’re very similar. On a physical level, they both require a lot of neurological connections and flexibility. You’re doing multiple complex movements at the same time. In yoga, your feet are doing one thing while your arms are doing something else. Climbing is very similar. You have different handholds and footholds and there’s a certain synchronicity that your body moves in to achieve your goal. At the mental level, climbing and yoga really require you to just stay present in your body. Climbing, you can’t be thinking about doing other things. You’re focused on what you’re doing right then and there or else you’re gonna fall off the wall. Yoga is the same too, if you’re doing a complex posture and you’re thinking about something else, you might fall out of that posture.
Q: How would you advise yogis interested in climbing to get into it?
A: Bouldering tends to be more powerful. You can think of it like a sprint – 10 moves to get to the top. When you’re on a rope climb, you’re doing more like 120 moves or more to get to the top. But people who do yoga already have a good base for it. They have great flexibility and ideal power-to-weight ratio. So they just have to go out and do it!
Interested in joining Olivia on a yoga/climbing retreat? Find out more here!
Climbing and yoga are similar in that they demand constant practice to perform at your best, which can be a challenge if you’re dealing with muscle pain or soreness. CBD is quickly becoming a key tool in my recovery regimen. – Olivia Hsu
Q: What are your favorite yoga poses for climbing recovery?
A: I practice every day and feel that Sun Salutation A’s are always great. Sometimes I’ll modify quite a bit. If I’m doing Sun A’s for recovery, instead of doing a full chaturanga, I’ll come all the way down to the floor and do some shoulder corrective exercises or cobra before moving back into downward facing dog. The main thing is to listen to your body. Every day is a different day in yoga. There are days where you feel really good but you’re super tight vs days when you show up really sore on your mat, but you end up having a really great practice! It’s all about balance.
Q: How does CBD support your yoga + climbing practice
A: I’m relatively new to CBD, but I had many friends who swore by it for pain relief. They encouraged me to start using it because of my crossover with yoga and climbing. Aethics™ topical Muscle Rescue lotion is my favorite way to use CBD. It’s perfect for immediate relief from muscle soreness and the oil is great taken after a workout or in the evening before bed. Climbing and yoga are similar in that they demand constant practice to perform at your best, which can be a challenge if you’re dealing with muscle pain or soreness. CBD is quickly becoming a key tool in my recovery regimen.
How to Use Aethics™ CBD Oil (use as directed):
Place 1 mL on your tongue. Wait 60-90 seconds before swallowing. Repeat up to 2x daily for maximum effect.
How to Use Aethics™ CBD Muscle Rescue Body lotion:
Spread on tired or aching muscles or joints to feel the CBD soothe and relieve affected areas.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol is a compound extracted from the hemp plant. This compound helps regulate your body’s endocannabinoid system. CBD brings overall balance to your digestive and immune health, offering relief from pain, inflammation and anxiety while also helping those who suffer from seizures, insomnia and other medical conditions.